バッタ・コオロギ・キリギリス大図鑑コミックボンボン 1984年 特大号 4月【全巻初版】 ろくでなしブルース 全42巻+ろくでなしぶるーちゅ図鑑まとめ売りセット(合計35冊、園児〜小学生向き)コロコロコミック 2000年 8月号〜2002年〜2003 年 セット
A Set of 11 Books – A special book for children from 0-6 years old.
The pictures are super beautiful, super cute, will surely attract the little ones to read and fiddle with the book page by page. High quality color printed books, 100% hardcover design, very durable and safe for children to use, do not worry about tearing books, waterproof and can be wiped clean when children cause dirty.
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- From Head to Toe
- Today is Monday
- Panda bear what do you see?
- Brown bear what do you see?
- Baby bear what do you see?
- Polar bear what do you hear?
- Dear Zoo
- Guess how much i love you
- I am a Bunny
- Goodnight moon
Although it is brand new and un新品, the box and picture book may have some scratches, stains or creases during transportation. Please refrain from purchasing if you are nervous.
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